Awards & Accolades
1. The Arizona Association for Economic Development announced nine economic developers and business professionals from across the state have earned their AZED Pro designation from The Academy of Arizona, AAED’s formal education program. 2022 Designees are:
- John Ahumada, Town of Queen Creek;
- Tennille Hiller, City of Buckeye;
- Sheila Hunt, City of Peoria;
- Tricia Lewis, City of Cottonwood;
- Rogelio Martinez, City of San Luis;
- Ashley Mazariegos, City of Buckeye;
- Christian Price, Maricopa Economic Development Alliance;
- Andrew Ridley, Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity;
- Ryan Wissmann, Town of Marana.
Giving Back
2. More than 4,500 Arizona students and 76 exhibiting firms attended the 21st Annual Arizona Construction Career Days this year. AZCCD was put together by the Association for Construction Career Development and hosted by the Arizona National Guard at Papago Park.
New Hires
3. Hill International, Inc. recently made two new hires. Bill Moyers joined the firm as First VP, and Carmen Ronan has been hired as Director of Business Development.