Source: City of Tempe
Tempe is seeking input on a draft Development Bonus Program as part of the city’s Urban Core Master Plan process. A development bonus would provide the opportunity to add housing units or commercial office space in exchange for providing community benefits, such as affordable/workforce housing, sustainability elements, public improvements or amenities, and/or preservation of historic resources.
Beginning December 3rd, community members can attend a public meeting or read online materials and provide feedback – either in person or through an online survey.
The bonus program would further incentivize developers to opt-in to the city’s proposed Urban Code District and utilize the opportunities provided by the Urban Core Master Plan.
The Urban Code District is a new opt-in zoning district created to promote transit and pedestrian friendly development. The Urban Core Master Plan is a policy-level plan crafted to coordinate regulations, infrastructure investment, design guidelines and policies to achieve an active and sustainable downtown and urban core. The draft documents were developed based on extensive public input gathered over the last two years and can be viewed at