The Pinal County Board of Supervisors was presented last week with an overview of long-term facilities and building plans intended to serve the County’s needs for the next few decades.
Chief among the items in the $190M project list were a new Administration Building, Juvenile Court Complex and Sheriff’s Office Reentry Facility.
Administration Building
The $73M administration building is envisioned as a five-story structure totaling 125KSF. County buildings D and E in Florence, which total a combined 55KSF, would be demolished to make room for the new space.
Supervisors were told the project is in the design phase. Plans for the administration building include space for several County offices—including the Assessor and Treasurer—as well as common space and conference and training rooms.
Juvenile Court
The vision for the new $43M Juvenile Court Complex includes a 70KSF, three-story building on Diversion Dam Road near the current Juvenile Detention Center.
Approximately 30% of juvenile court operations would be moved to the new facility. Staff believes centralizing services in the new complex would allow for better service and outcomes for juveniles and their families and that the new space would provide the existing courthouse with enough operational space to serve resident needs for another 20-to-30 years.
The new facilities would be built with bond debt. County Manager Leo Lew told Supervisors Pinal County continues to grow, which should allow for increased services.
Board Vice Chair Jeffrey McClure pointed out the new buildings will be much less expensive to maintain and operate than older buildings in the County portfolio.
Deputy County Manager Himanshu Patel’s presentation covered a total of $190M in major capital projects for buildings, including the Administration Building, Juvenile Court Complex, a re-entry program building for the Sheriff’s Office, a Facilities Management office and warehouse, a radio shop and building for Fleet Services, and office and community spaces in Apache Junction. (Source)