By BEX Staff for AZBEX
The Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs has recently issued a Request for Qualifications for Design-Build Criteria Consultants and Technical Advisory Services for the development of a new readiness center in Tucson.
The Army National Guard wants to design and construct an 86.8KSF building called the Rita Road Readiness Center, on state land at 7901 S. Rita Road. According to an Arizona Daily Sun article dated November 1, 2018, the project will be built to house two transportation companies and a field artillery attachment that are currently housed in outdated or overcrowded facilities.
“One of the transportation companies is now based in Tucson while the other is housed in modular trailers at the Florence Military Reservation in Pinal County. The artillery detachment is based at Papago Park Military Reservation in Phoenix,” the article states.
According to the RFQ, the professional services for the Design Build Criteria Consultants include building a “design-build project program, geotechnical investigation, solicitation documents, evaluation criteria and to provide assistance to the Army National Guard throughout the design-build source selection process.”
“Army National Guard Design Criteria, Antiterrorism Force Protection (AT/FP) measures, and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification must be incorporated into design,” it goes on to state.
No pre-submittal conference is scheduled for the project and all Statements of Qualifications are expected to be due by August 19 no later than 3:00 p.m.
The Readiness Center is expected to cost no more than $24M with $6M of funding coming from the state and approximately $18M coming from the federal government. According to the Daily Sun article, construction is anticipated to begin in 2021.