The Yuma City Council has approved a plan to use $2.73M in American Rescue Plan Act monies for affordable rental housing through an allocation received by the Yuma County HOME Consortium. Yuma’s Neighborhood Services Division is the Consortium’s administrative agent.
The Consortium will seek a development partner to help it build up to 90 units in a single project that will serve all of Yuma County. The Consortium is comprised of Yuma County, Somerton, San Luis, Yuma and Wellton, with the City of Yuma serving as the lead entity.
Funds are administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which approved the money pending an approved allocation plan under the HOME Investment Partnerships Program.
The money can be used to develop affordable housing, acquire or develop shelter units, or provide rental assistance or supportive services.
After consultation with stakeholders and evaluating their input, staff formed an allocation plan for developing new affordable housing units. Should efforts to find a development partner prove unsuccessful, the Consortium may pursue its own project that could provide between 12 and 15 new units. (Source)