The Queen Creek Town Council last week approved a tentative budget for $730.3M for the coming fiscal year, a significant expansion from the current $487M budget.
The Town is pursuing significant increases in infrastructure and services investments to accommodate soaring growth in population and economic development. Queen Creek’s population has expanded by more than 125% in the last decade, and officials expect growth to continue.
Roads are a major priority when it comes to serving new residents and businesses, according to Town officials.
Among the infrastructure investment Queen Creek is looking at in the near term are:
- $500K for a new police and evidence storage facility,
- $3.4M for transportation infrastructure in FY 2022-2023, as part of the five-year road development plan,
- $136M for Parks & Recreation, including completing Mansel Carter Oasis Park, a new 85-acre park and a Recreation Center and Aquatic Center.
In discussing the budget and the fact that 73% for the coming year goes to infrastructure, officials stressed how much building needs to be done for Queen Creek to accommodate both the growth it has experienced, to date, and the growth it expects to see.
Due to previous fiscal management and an expected bond measure, combined with expected new revenues from projects like the LG Energy Solution plant scheduled to come to the area, officials expect no tax increases, and possibly even property tax reductions, in the future. (Source)