Republic Services Inc. is making progress on its planned nearly 250KSF new headquarters at City North in Phoenix.
The company recently signed a 25-year lease and joint development agreement for the new location.
Earlier this month, City North developer Crown Realty and Development sold nearly seven acres at City North to U.S. Realty Advisors. Allied Waste North America LLC, a Republic Services entity, signed a 25-year lease with two 10-year renewal options with U.S. Realty Advisors. Representatives confirmed U.S. Realty Advisors will provide build-to-suit funding for the new headquarters.
U.S. Realty Advisors and Crown Realty and Development have signed a joint development agreement for site improvements.
The City of Phoenix approved a development agreement with Crown Realty and Republic Services for the project last year that provides an incentive package based on job creation and infrastructure improvements. (Source)