By Roland Murphy
Buckeye’s Planning and Commission has recommended rezoning for Turner 308, a 309.55-acre parcel on Turner Road between Baseline Road and Southern Avenue.
According to the rezoning narrative, “The northern parcels are zoned RU-43 and located in unincorporated Maricopa County while the southern portion is within the City of Buckeye, zoned Planned Residential.” The current request is to rezone the site to Light Industrial. There is a concurrent annexation request for the RU-43 parcels.
There is no specific project associated with the request yet. The narrative says, “A conceptual site plan is not included with this rezoning request. The Owner acknowledges that any site plan will need to address City codes and policies and be processed under a separate application for Planning and Zoning Commission approval.”
At present, the requested zoning change is intended to “allow for the development of new light industrial and employment uses to provide economic impact to the immediate area with opportunities for employment and economic vitality that will enhance the City’s value to the region.”
The narrative lists TGV Turner, LLC as the owner. The engineer is CVL Consultants. Tiffany & Bosco, P.A. is the project representative.