The Chandler City Council has tabled a vote on data center development restrictions until next month.
The proposed ordinance would have imposed several restrictions, including:
- Prohibiting data center operations in the city unless they were directly approved as part of a planned area development,
- Notification of residents within a half-mile of planned sites of the intent to build,
- Requiring a minimum of two developer/owner-led neighborhood meetings,
- Strict noise mitigations, and
- Maintenance of a public website announcing operation times for backup power generators if they are to be used.
An attorney for Aligned Data Centers contacted the City Attorney’s Office to propose changes before the meeting last week but was told it was too late in the process. He said the ordinance was too ambiguous and could harm property owners’ rights to develop on their property.
City Attorney Kelly Schwab said if the ordinance had been approved, it would have been enforceable.
Aligned’s attorney requested the item be removed from the agenda.
Council voted to table the ordinance until its Dec. 5 session. (Source)