Members of Voice of Surprise, a “resident group” opposing developer Dominium Management’s proposal for an affordable multifamily/senior living/retail and self-storage mixed-use master plan in Surprise, have announced plans to pack the upcoming August 16th City Council meeting to discuss the preliminary development plan.
Unofficial group spokesperson Quintus Schulzke emailed City officials announcing the group’s intention to attend en masse and promising to send petition forms with at least 500 signatures. The group’s website showed a total expected attendance of 392 people between members and their guests.
Dominium’s proposal – known as Waddell Crossing and, alternatively, as Truman Ranch Marketplace, plans 384 multifamily units, 213 age-restricted units, a small retail component and four townhouses.
Opposition has been entrenched since the project was first proposed and presented in community meetings last year. Opponents site the risk of traffic impacts, dissatisfaction with Dominium’s perceived history with other developments, obstruction of views and the attraction of less desirable residents to their community.
Due to the opposition, Dominium requested a continuation of the original plan last August and submitted a revised proposal in April. Under the revision, Dominium withdrew a proposed amendment to the existing planned area development for Truman Ranch Marketplace and seeks to work within the existing development rights under a preliminary development plan.
Building heights have been one point of concern with the development. Under the existing zoning with which Dominium plans to work, the tallest buildings are relegated to the west of the property, as determined by the City in 2008 under the existing PAD.
Each of the planned uses under the proposal will have its own site plan and will be considered individually, according to Surprise officials.
Voice of Surprise members have expressed concern that if City Council approves the PDP request, it will shift power to Dominium for the overall development and require only minor adjustments for the future site plans and components.
Dominium has expressed its intention to own and operate the residential communities in Surprise for a minimum of 15 years. The company opened a regional headquarters in Phoenix nearly two years ago and has dedicated teams working on its Valley properties and proposals, company officials say. (Source)