Northern Arizona Healthcare has been in meetings with Flagstaff development staff recently and is almost ready to deliver its application for a new campus near Fort Tuthill County Park to the City.
NAH’s target dates were to have the plan functionally complete at the end of May and to begin the zoning process, which will include two hearings and a required holding period, in July.
The zoning will cover full 180-acre campus. Individual approvals for the site plan and building reviews will still be required.
The original project target had been to break ground on the new NAH Flagstaff Hospital and Ambulatory Care Center in September, with completions planned for 2024 and 2026. NAH officials chalked the delays up to extending the feedback and input process from City officials, members of the public and other stakeholders longer than originally intended.
The plans are now expected to go before Flagstaff City Council in September.
Changes from the original vision include shifting one street on the north portion of the campus farther south to make more space for a mixed-use residential component, which has increased from 175 units to 275.
NAH officials say the total campus development could carry into the 2040s.
No plan has been put in place for the current Flagstaff Medical Center location. NAH has begun inviting City representatives, residents and economic development officials to participate in an advisory council on redevelopment to garner suggestions.
Specific questions about the new development may be emailed to There is also a project page on the expansion here. (Source)