Public meetings to discuss planned housing projects are usually dominated by those opposed to the proposals. Known as Not In My Back Yard, or NIMBY, they are a common feature for meetings everywhere, including Flagstaff.
Common NIMBY concerns include project density, building heights and impacts to traffic and the character of the area.
In the last several months, however, supporters of various projects, sometimes referring to themselves as YIMBY or Yes In My Back Yard, have begun showing up to express their support for projects that would address, even in part, Flagstaff’s ongoing housing crisis.
The trend has also picked up momentum in other parts of the country, as housing supply continues to lag significantly behind demand.
Flagstaff resident Cristy Zeller is among those showing up to express support. In a recent media profile, she said it is important to educate the public about projects’ benefits and to let local leaders know projects have support.
Councilmembers have expressed appreciation for the YIMBY presence, noting that the number and frequency of opinions, either in opposition or support, can influence the outcome of votes to approve or reject. (Source)