The Tucson Department of Transportation and Mobility’s “Move Tucson” master plan is entering its final phase of soliciting public input.
Over the past year-and-a-half, residents have recommended 234 projects that would total out to nearly $5.7B if fully implemented. Residents have until Aug. 1 to offer final suggestions.
The projects fall into four general types, with each type divided into three tiers by priority.
Catalyst Corridors are large street projects intended for multiple modes of transportation. These total 122 miles of road at a projected cost of $1.8B. The highest priority projects include:
- Intersections on Golf Links Road from Kolb to Alvernon way ($289M), and
- An enhanced bike lane connection with pedestrian infrastructure improvements between Mission Road and the Chuck Huckelberry Loop ($10M).
The second type, Strategic Solutions, are projects that would “improve access for two or three modes.” These consist of 198 miles, with the major proposal being a $10M 4-mile shared-use path beside the I-10 frontage road between 29th Street and Grant Road ($10M).
Local Connections are intended as fill-in projects to connect gaps and create connected networks for various modes of transport, such as sidewalk gaps and bike lanes. There are 266 miles of projects in this category, with the largest being an 11-mile greenway or shared-use path along Rodeo Wash ($31M).
The final category is High-Capacity Transit, which is made of up 53 miles of work valued at nearly $3B. This section’s largest project is a 4-mile streetcar connection between the Tohono Tadai Transit Center and University Blvd. ($460M). A second major recommendation is 5.3 miles of bus-based rapid transit between the Tohono Tadai Transit Center and the Ronstadt Transit Center ($30M). (Source)