By Associated Builders and Contractors
The construction industry lost 3,000 jobs on net in January 2021, according to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. During the last nine months, the industry has added 857,000 jobs, recovering 77 percent of the jobs lost during earlier pandemic stages.
Nonresidential construction employment fell by 1,900 jobs on net in January. Heavy and civil engineering added 2,000 jobs for the month, but those gains were offset by losses in nonresidential specialty trade and nonresidential building, which lost 3,300 and 600 jobs, respectively.
The construction unemployment rate declined to 9.4 in January and is up 4 percentage points from the same time last year. Unemployment across all industries fell from 6.7 percent in December 2020 to 6.3 percent last month. (Source)