By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
The Arizona Department of Transportation has recently issued a Request for Qualifications for a firm to provide final design services on the State Route 303 Loop (Estrella) Phase One: MC 85 – Van Buren Street project.
ADOT first advertised for the RFQ on January 26th and plans to issue another newspaper advertisement on February 2nd.
The approximately $167M project includes construction of three general purpose lanes in each direction from north of MC 85 to Van Buren Street, with a transition into Cotton Lane near Elwood Street in Goodyear. According to the RFQ, some other features of the freeway project are expected to include:
- Completion of the south half of the Van Buren diamond TI
- Construction of a full diamond TI at Yuma Road and a half diamond TI at Elwood Street
- Construction of one-way frontage roads in both directions
- Construction of ADA features
- Utility relocations
A design concept report and Environmental Assessment was completed in November 2018 for the SR303L corridor from State Route 30 to Interstate 10. According to the RFQ, “The ultimate corridor improvements include construction of a 10-lane divided, access-controlled urban freeway that provides four general purpose lanes and a high occupancy vehicle lane (4+1) in each direction and a system interchange with SR 30.”
Some of the Final design duties under this contract include preparing construction documents, materials design reports, pavement design summary, design submittals at 30, 60 and 95 percent, final plans and specifications, post design services and more.
Interested consultants must submit their prequalification application to ADOT’s Engineering Consultants Section by 2:00 p.m. on February 5th.
The method of delivery for the project will be design-bid-build and the ADOT has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goal of 0.0 percent, making it a race-neutral contract.
No pre-submittal meeting was announced in this RFQ. All interested consultants must submit their Statements of Qualification no later than 2:00 p.m. on February 16th. ADOT anticipates selecting a firm on March 22nd, with an initial cost proposal due date on April 5th, and an estimated notice to proceed on June 21st.
According to ADOT’s 2021 Capital Improvement Plan, this project is anticipated to start construction in 2027.