Source: Kingman Daily Miner
Voters in the Kingman Unified School District will vote, Tuesday, November 5th, on a proposed $35M school bond. KUSD’s Governing Board has slated the special election for the bond that would help bring Palo Christi school back into a fully functioning building, update HVAC units, add a digital entry system, purchase 10 new buses and renovate La Senita school.
From the bond, $17M would go toward the refurbishment of Palo Christi and $1M would be for refurbishment of La Senita. Another $14M would go to HVAC upgrades throughout the district, while $2M would be spent for the key fob system and $1M for 10 new buses.
The bond would go toward HVAC renovations at three schools, Kingman Middle School, Manzanita and La Senita, which would change from a two-pipe system to a four-pipe system. A four-pipe system can run heating and cooling at the same time, whereas a two-pipe you can only do one at a time.
If the bond is approved the tax-impact would be about $56.41 a year on a $100K home.
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