By Rebekah Morris for AZ Builder’s Exchange
A major General Plan Amendment (GPA) and rezoning cases are concurrently being reviewed by the City of Scottsdale that would bring a large new multifamily development to the southwest corner of Hayden and Camelback Roads in Scottsdale.
The development team consists of ColRich, a residential developer based in San Diego, Architect DAVIS, land planner Drake & Associates, with Berry Ridell handling the rezoning and AndersonBaron serving as the Landscape Architect.
The project site focuses on the adjacent Indian Bend Wash Greenbelt and builds on on the close proximity to Old Town Scottsdale (600’ according to the submittal packet). The project will redevelop two existing apartment complexes previously purchased by the developer: San Visconti Apartments, which ColRich purchased with joint-venture partner Harbert Management Corp. in 2016 for $67.5M and The Cortesian, purchased in 2014 by the same joint-venture for $31M.
The request for General Plan Amendment and rezoning would transition the 41.5 acres from Urban Neighborhoods to Mixed-Use Neighborhoods. Zoning Attorney Michele Hammond, Berry Ridell, described it as a minor tweak to the existing document. The larger acreage request triggered the major General Plan Amendment according to the documents.
Schedule of Approval & Construction
The project is scheduled to be heard at the Scottsdale Planning Commission on Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019, and will be presented at City Council Meetings in early December. Anticipating a full design scope of work will take place once the rezoning is approved, the earliest the project could break ground is estimated at late 2020 or early 2021.
While a construction schedule is not yet available, similar projects of this size and scope range in duration from 24-36 months.
Scope of Project
The project is very large by any measure – phase one encompasses the eastern 26.53 acres of the total 41.5 acres under consideration. The first phase would bring forward 1,214 residential units and over 2,400 parking spaces. Four discrete and nearly identical building structures feature apartments wrapping an internal four story parking garage. Surface and street parking is included in the total parking count. Additional space constructed in phase one includes approximately 20KSF of retail and another 20KSF of enclosed building area.
The project amenities include a significant focus on bicycle features, public access, art, and connectivity to the adjacent Indian Bend Wash. Three distinct public spaces along the Wash include: The Bicycle Pavilion, The Grove, and The Great Lawn.
The development packet focuses a great deal of attention on the economic benefits of bicycle tourism and activities. The City of Scottsdale has already invested in trails and bicycle paths and the Gentry on the Green attempts to connect with those in a meaningful way.
The Bicycle Pavilion is envisioned as a ‘shady open-air pavilion’ where cyclists can meet and enjoy amenities and services.
The Grove, north of the Pavilion, is described as a common space accessible to the public with a ‘biergarten’ place for relaxing and socializing.
The Great Lawn, to the south of the Pavilion, is a grassy common area ideal for picnicking, outdoor festivals and more.
The developer plans on adding landscaping to the Indian Bend Wash as part of the project. According to Adam Yaron, the City of Scottsdale staff contact for this project, “depending on the scope of improvements the developer is planning within the Wash, they could also be subject to Army Corps of Engineer approval”.
Phase II May Push Far into the Future
The development plan document alludes to Phase II as the parcel west of 78th Street, where The Cortesian apartments currently exist. Yaron explained that the developer is pursuing the rezoning and major GPA now for the entire 42-acres as a long-range move that enables them to pursue any Phase II plans without requiring a new Council action. Any redevelopment would still be subject to design review, but no further rezoning or Council approval would be required. Yaron went on to state that the developer has no immediate plans for Phase II that he is aware of.
I live there now. I would not invest in that. “You can’t get there from here.” The only access to this property is either the side street of 78th Street which is very difficult to get to travelling east on Indian School. the only other access is east bound on Camelback Road. You cannot get there heading west on Camelback, the road is too narrow to add a left-turn lane. There is no access from Hayden.
I live very close Camelback and Parkway. We are very excited to see this beautiful development take place. Much need.
I live in Scottsdale Shadows across the street. This project will be an enhancement to the area and greatly to the current bike paths