By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
The City of Scottsdale has received plans for a new 552-unit multifamily residential community at the NWC of Hayden Road and Princess Boulevard.
Developer, Mark-Taylor is requesting Development Review Board approval of a site plan, landscape plan and building elevations for the project, dubbed San Artes.
The proposed project consists of approximately 552 dwelling units, comprised of a mix of 180 one- 297 two- and 75 three-bedroom units, on a +/-34-acre site. A total of 1,060 parking spaces will also be provided.
Mark-Taylor recently purchased four lots totaling +/-46.86 gross acres at auction from ASLD and plans to develop the project on the eastern three parcels. The westernmost parcel will be left for future development.
According to the applicant’s narrative, the project’s design complies with the Greater Airpark Character Area Plan and 2001 General Plan and accomplishes a range of goals including “integrating high quality, vibrant architecture and site planning to the area, and creating pedestrian synergy that will complement the surrounding context.”
The submittal goes on to address the architectural style composed of clusters of multifamily residential buildings peppered with open space areas, amenities and pathways to “create a more interesting community and organic flow versus the traditional linear building design of larger-scale multifamily developments.”
The project’s open space areas will account for approximately 26 percent, or 353.9KSF of the development where only 22 percent is required.
According to the City of Scottsdale’s website, the project will be discussed at the city’s Development Review Board Meeting on June 6.