By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
The City of Mesa approved another project planned for the Mesa Elliot Technology Park at its March 20th Planning and Zoning Board meeting.
Owner, Sunbelt Investment Holdings, Inc. had requested a site plan review approval as well as approval of a Special Use Permit in order to develop two new general industrial buildings totaling approximately 286KSF at the NWC of Elliot Road and Ellsworth Road.
The buildings will sit on the southwest 18.56 acres of the available 67.5 gross acres of undeveloped land. Each building will be approximately 143KSF and each unit will house a delivery bay.
This is an initial development phase of what will be known as Mesa Elliot Technology Park West. The overall development plan will include a mixture of light industrial, manufacturing, office and limited commercial.
According to the applicant’s submittal, the building design will have aesthetically pleasing elevations and the site itself will be designed “to be pedestrian friendly with walkways connecting the buildings and to the street.”
The Special Use Permit approved by the Planning and Zoning Board was to reduce the amount of required parking spaces noted by the Mesa Zoning Ordinance. While the MZO required 622 spaces for industrial uses on the site, Sunbelt has proposed only 559 parking spaces, noting that they “believe it is in everyone’s best interest not to over park the project and that landscaping is a nicer benefit than additional asphalt.”
The owner also believes that users will park in the provided delivery bays and that property they own to the north and east of the buildings could also accommodate additional parking.
Mesa Elliot Technology Park West will complement the adjacent Technology Park East and complies with the Mesa Gateway Strategic Development Plan. The goal of the project, according to the submittal, is to “create a regional employment center with a mix of jobs, emphasizing the attraction of at least 100,000 high-wage, high value jobs.” The zoning for the project is Limited Industrial which is expected to allow for a variety of employment uses.
According to the project’s architect, Butler Design Group, there is no schedule for construction at this time.