By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
Grounds Properties, LLC c/o Pacific RH, LLC submitted two applications to the Town of Prescott Valley for a new 288-unit multifamily development to be located at the SEC of Bradshaw Mountain Road and State Route 69 just behind a Family Dollar store.
The first application is a zoning map change request from Residential; Single-Family Limited to Residential; Sales and Services Planned Area Development on approximately 48 acres within the Quailwood Meadows PAD. The second is a request for approval of a Preliminary Development Plan.
The project, which has yet to be formally named, is proposed to be the development of 288 multifamily apartment units across 17 buildings. The project will be developed into two separate phases.
Each phase will consist of 144 dwelling units comprised of 44 one-bedroom, 86 two-bedroom and 14 three-bedroom units. Construction of phase one will include nine buildings and a 3KSF clubhouse/leasing office. Phase two will include the final eight buildings.
According to the applicant’s submittal, “Buildings in phase 1 would be two stories in height, except for the two buildings directly south of the Family Dollar Store, which would be three stories. All buildings in Phase 2 would be three stories.”
In a letter to Quailwood neighbors, Developer Dorn Homes’ Owner, Dave Grounds said, “We have long wished that this stretch of land be improved both aesthetically and economically, while benefitting those in the surrounding area.” He then noted the development will “be professionally landscaped and include walking trails, a dog park, green-belt areas and other amenities.”
According to a Daily Courier article dated February 1st, Dorn Homes hosted an open house on January 22nd at the Bradshaw Mountain Middle School gym to show residents of the Quailwood subdivision the project’s preliminary design concept and discuss the zoning map change. “Quailwood residents have several concerns,” the article stated. “Increased traffic, decreased property values, sufficient evacuation routes, and whether apartment residents could access their clubhouse.”
Vehicular access to the first phase of the development is expected to be located about 300 feet south of Bradshaw Mountain Road. According to the submittal, “a second access onto Village Way would be added for Phase 2 about 600 feet south of the Phase 1 entrance. Both access points would have vehicular gates.”
The development is expected to also have two emergency-only access points. One will connect to a right-of way at the Family Dollar and the other directly onto SR 69. The applicant also proposes to widen Bradshaw Mountain Road to reduce peak hour traffic congestion.
The Zoning Map change request and Preliminary Development Plan are expected to be heard at the March 11th Prescott Valley Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
According to the Daily Courier article, there are no immediate plans to begin construction.
The owner and applicant is Grounds Properties, LLC (Dorn Homes). A request for the project’s architect and general contractor has not been returned by press time.
Horrible. We bought a house in Quailwood, to escape the over development of Phoenix. Now they want to build apartments and lower the standard in this beautiful area. Owner wants to “professionally landscape” the street, in front of low income dwellings? Wow! This sucks!
Don’t do it, no one want’s apartments sitting at the entrance of our housing development.
This area is already having water supply issues. Where is the water going to come from to supply that many more residents?