By City of Tempe
Tempe could add more than 500 affordable apartments, live-work units and townhomes on city-owned lots along Apache Boulevard and is seeking input at a public meeting March 16.
Concepts for the parcels, between Rural Road and just east of Price Freeway, include both rental and homeownership opportunities. Tempe is currently working with development partners on three of the parcels and seeking a new partner for the fourth parcel.
Tempe is hosting virtual public meetings Wednesday, March 16, 8 – 9 A.M. and 6 – 7 P.M. The city is also offering a call-in option and access to city computers at Escalante Multi-Generational Center for those who have limited internet and computer access. The same material will be presented at all meetings.
“We’re excited to see these projects move forward to increase affordable and workforce housing in Tempe and need community input to help us shape the future of Apache Boulevard,” said Mayor Corey Woods.
Tempe purchased the parcels using multiple funding streams, including city general funds and CDBG and HOME, Inc. funding. The public comment period began March 2 and is open through April 1.
The redevelopment plans include a fifth parcel not owned by the city, the Watson’s Flower Shop complex on Apache Boulevard. It is adjacent to a city parcel and the two sites are part of a single project.
Remediation work is currently being done on all five parcels to ensure that they are shovel ready for development. The City Council approved a $1.2M investment in this work through the Hometown for All affordable housing initiative, which accelerates the growth of affordable and workforce housing in Tempe through a dedicated funding stream and voluntary donations.
Concept plans for the redevelopment projects include:
- 1235 E. Lemon Street. – Five-story building with 68 affordable housing units, two-story parking garage
- 1412 E. Apache Blvd. – Five-story building with 80 affordable live-work units for artists, ground floor gallery/commercial space, four-story parking garage
- 2320 E. Apache Blvd. – Up to 250 units within a five-story apartment building and three-story, for-purchase townhome complex, garage parking and greenbelt. Find the current Request for Proposal (RFP) on this parcel here.
- 2431 E. Apache Blvd. – 106 affordable units, surface parking and open space for combined vacant land and Watson’s Flower Shop complex
Here’s how to participate in the March 16 meetings:
Find the Zoom link here.
8-9 a.m.
Meeting ID: 865 0835 1364
Passcode: Apache
Call-in option: 669-900-6833
Passcode: 669382
6-7 p.m.
Meeting ID: 874 0578 9468
Passcode: Apache
Call-in option: 253-215-8782
Passcode: 076992
Can’t make it to a meeting? Find a recording and take the online survey through April 1. (Source)