Desert Foothills Lutheran Church is seeking approval from the Scottsdale Development Review Board to proceed with the third phase of its campus expansion.
The 15.24-acre site on North Scottsdale Road south of Dixileta Drive currently has slightly more than 21KSF of sanctuary, classroom and office space. The planned third phase will restructure parking on site (removing 47 parking spaces in one area and adding 163 in another) and add several new buildings and features.
New construction includes a 13.4KSF “Family Life Center,” a 9.3KSF “Contemporary Worship Center,” a 3.6KSF addition to the current sanctuary building, and new walkways, shade structures and other improvements. The existing buildings would be repainted and updated to coordinate with the new developments.
The requests were submitted late last month. No DRB hearing date has yet been set.