By Tasha Anderson for AZBEX
*Read to the tune of Jingle Bells
Dashing to get home
Vacation time is near
Families rejoice
The holidays are here, but oh-no,
Year-end deadlines loom
Those bid dates can’t be missed
Proposals surely were not on our Christmas list, Bah Humbug!
Shrubs and trees, ponds and weeds
Casa Grande wants all maintained
Grounds maintenance due Christmas Eve
makes us want to complain! Oh,
P3 for, I-17
To maintain, build and design
Submit it quick to ADOT
To be home by Christmas time!
Show Low’s IFB’s
Should really be a crime
New sewer mains installed
And extended waterlines;
A new glass panel walk
For Arizona State
All due on the twenty-seventh
No, they just couldn’t wait, oh,
RFP, is due indeed
to Apache soon
EA proposals are needed
An hour before noon;
New classrooms and restrooms
and Flagstaff’s Downtown Coffee Shop
All due 12/30!
There’s no leaving early
From work on New Year’s Eve
‘cause Traffic poles and signs
Are due for the county;
Peoria wants bids
For clearing and grubbing
And we can’t forget Phoenix’s
RFP from ’17, oh,
Graham County, is so mean
Their request is due 1/2
To supply their asphalt countywide
they need it soon;
HHS, causes stress
With their RFP
A new medical clinic for Supai
is due 1/3!
Holidays are time to play
But humbugs interfere
Don’t you fear, or shed a tear
There’s fewer every year!
Happy Holidays from the BEX Family!