In a 5-0 vote, the Yuma Planning and Zoning Commission has approved a conditional use permit that will enable the construction of 12 two-story multifamily-style buildings on 8.14 acres at the SWC of East 30th Street and Avenue 6E.
Avila Construction submitted the request on behalf of Tanimura and Antle CA General Partnership. The 183 two-bedroom units can house up to 1,464 people and will be provided for the exclusive use of farmworkers employed during the September-February harvesting season.
Some nearby residents had expressed concern about potential traffic impacts, particularly upon access and egress for a nearby RV park. Tanimura and Antlerepresentatives said impacts on the RV park will be minimal, since most residents will not drive personal vehicles and will be bussed to and from the farm fields. Busses will also be organized for resident use for personal activities, such as shopping.
Nearby residents also expressed concerns for their safety, given the transitory nature of the planned development’s occupants. Yuma planning staff explained the occupants will be labor contractors and will be required to undergo background checks. A video surveillance system will also be installed on site, as will vehicle gates and perimeter fencing.
Planned amenities at the development include four recreation rooms, open space, picnic tables, walkways and two sports courts. (Source)