The Town of Clarkdale has produced a Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan after more than a year of development work and is introducing it for the last round of public engagement.
Officials will hold an open house Feb. 8 to introduce the plan and solicit feedback.
While the plan focuses on the development of the local and regional trail system, representatives point out it is a total transportation plan and also considers street crossings, roadway connections and safely shared use between cyclists, motorists and pedestrians.
The plan was created after residents said they wanted easier ways to connect to surrounding communities and navigate their way to town locations. In all, the planned trails total 47 miles.
While portions of the plan could take several years to fully implement, the “near-term priority projects” include multi-use paths on West Main Street, the Tuzigoot RAP and State Route 89A, and Cement Plant Road, bike routes on Clarkdale Parkway and Broadway, and sidewalks on Broadway and Centerville Road. This collection of projects has an estimated cost of nearly $6.2M.
Some project timelines extend as far out as 20 years, representatives said, and implementing them will depend on issues such as grant funding, Town budgets and acquiring land easements from property owners.