By Urban Land Institute Arizona
Reimagining office properties. A perspective on parking. Housing affordability and homelessness. Powering Arizona’s future. The industrial market.
Those are just a few of the deep-dive topics to be discussed as ULI Arizona presents its 19th Annual Trends Day on March 5 at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa. Trends Day brings together more than 30 top industry experts to discuss the most current state and national real estate trends.
ULI Arizona’s Trends Day is recognized as the third-largest ULI program globally.
Trends Day 2024 kicks off with the annual economic outlook, delivered this year by Peter Ricchiuti, Director, Burkenroad Reports, Senior Professor of Practice, A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University.
The economic outlook launches Trends Day with a high-level look at macroeconomic trends in the U.S. economy and around the globe. Through an engaging presentation, Ricchiuti will offer the outlook for commercial real estate, especially as it pertains to the continued long-term ramifications of the pandemic, including the future of work and challenges related to economic growth.
The topic of the Trends Day Debate will be: “Can Urban and Rural Development Patterns Co-Exist in a Water Competitive Environment?” Arizona’s growing economy brings increasing pressure on the state’s limited water supplies and creates tensions between urban and rural communities.
These tensions are manifested through the conflicting enforcement of the 100-year assured water supply requirements of the Arizona Groundwater Management Act, policy and funding choices for additional water resources, and conversions of agricultural uses to municipal uses. The debate will focus on policy choices between urban and rural interests and explore areas where both interests can be positively advanced.
The debate will be moderated by Nina Mullins, Senior Director of Land and Papago Park Center, Salt River Project. Urban panelists include Grady Gammage, Jr., Partner, Gammage & Burnham; and Sarah Porter, Director, Kyl Center for Water Policy, Morrison Institute for Public Policy, Arizona State University.
Rural panelists include Eric Orsborn, Mayor, City of Buckeye; and Chip Sherrill, Managing Partner, 4-B Farms, Chairman, Mohave Valley Irrigation and Drainage District.
The Trends Day 2024 Keynote Speaker will be Leon Logothetis, global adventurer, author, and creator of the book and Netflix series “The Kindness Diaries.” His topic will be: Go Be Brave: Becoming Fearless, Wiser and Truly Magnificent.
Trends Day 2024 runs March 5 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa is located at 5350 E. Marriott Dr. in Phoenix. Register here.