A longstanding desire by the City of Chandler to extend Runway 4R/22L at Chandler Municipal Airport may be inching toward reality. The City has included nearly $800K for two studies on the project in the proposed budget for next year.
The goal is to extend the 4,870-foot runway out to 5,550 feet, which would let larger private and corporate jets use the airport.
The first study will examine potential community impact. The second will look at the project costs and environmental impacts. The first study would cost $350K, with the second costing $427K.
A Chandler ordinance requires voters to approve runway lengthening projects in a bond election. Residents have strongly opposed past attempts to lengthen the runways, rejecting requests in 2000 and 2007. Their worry is that extending the runway would allow for large passenger flights, even though such flights generally require runways of between 6,000 and 8,000 feet.
City officials said they hope that by increasing public engagement and soliciting comment residents will come to understand the realities of the project and how it could benefit the community. (Source)