A pair of recent rezoning approval recommendations from the Mesa Planning and Zoning Board could lead to nearly 1,000 new multifamily units supplied to the west Mesa and greater downtown area.
Anton Fiesta Mesa
The larger of the two projects is a proposal from Anton DevCo called Fiesta Mesa, which would build a five-story, 550-unit community at Southern Avenue and Alma School Road near the Fiesta Mall site.
There are currently 10 commercial buildings on the site, which have been mostly vacant for more than 10 years.
Plans call for five residential buildings, two pools and two fitness centers and clubhouses.
The entire area, including the vacant Fiesta Mall, has been targeted for redevelopment, and Anton DevCo’s narrative claims its project will help infuse the area with new residents to support the coming retail and commercial uses.
The board voted 6-0 to recommend the project.
The Edge on Main Apartments
The second proposal was a rezoning request from OZ Development to unify zoning across several parcels near the SEC of Main Street and Country Club Drive for the 423-unit The Edge on Main Apartments. A small commercial component is also included in the plan.
The plan calls for one building on either side of South Morris, with one comprised of eight residential stories over a three-story parking garage. The second building would be five stories. The community would be directly across from the transit station at the Main and Country Club intersection and would replace an existing taco shop and one-story retail building.
OZ Development has chosen to opt into the form-based coding program for the area. If the plans comply with the form-based code design standards, the site plan will only require administrative review.
The request was also recommended on a 6-0 vote. OZ Development representatives expect to have site plans submitted in the next few weeks and is targeting an October construction start. (Source)