The Arizona Department of Transportation has recommended a diverging-diamond interchange to improve traffic flow at the interchange of SR 347 and I-10.
Most of the interchange improvements would be concentrated on the alignment at SR 347 and Queen Creek Road. Changes would include reconfiguring the approaches to the interchange, reconstructing ramp terminals and reversing the flow between them, constructing a new bridge to the south for westbound traffic and using the existing bridge for eastbound traffic. The alignment would be split so each half would handle one direction of traffic.
Under the new configuration, there would be four eastbound lanes crossing the existing bridge and three westbound lanes crossing the new bridge. A five-foot bike lane would be included in both directions.
There would be no major structural modifications to the existing bridge. The new bridge would have a width of 60 feet and a minimum clearance of 16.5 feet over the interstate.
ADOT’s report says the new bridge and approximately half of the new interchange would be built offline to minimize traffic disruptions. (Source)