After developer Dominium Management made changes to its plan for an affordable housing community in Surprise south of Waddell Avenue and between 171st and 175th avenues, its efforts were rewarded June 16th by the Surprise Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation of approval for its Preliminary Development Plan.
The previous plan encountered difficulties with the Truman Ranch Planned Area Development and raised significant organized opposition from nearby residents. The opposition remains in place, but Dominium has scaled back its overall plan back from an original 613 units to a proposed 601 under the PDP.
Project representatives said the new plan falls below the Truman Ranch PAD density cap of 21 units/acre.
In addition to the lower overall unit count, the plan has now changed to relocate the 213-unit senior living portion of the development to a different part of the site and to make the multifamily portion shorter but wider, reducing building heights that had been one issue of contention. The multifamily area also now features a townhome component, as well as a fitness center, clubhouse and play area.
While the plan’s residential components would generally precede the planned commercial development, two restaurant spaces and a self-storage unit business have committed to the project.
Eight nearby residents spoke in opposition to the development. Their objections ranged from federal border policies’ impacts on homelessness to fears of negative property value impacts, increases in crime and traffic, light pollution, the design of the self-storage component, opposition to proposed building heights, area character impacts and general public safety concerns. Residents also brought up allegations of poor management and operations by Dominium in other developments around the country.
Dominium attorney Susan Demmitt of Gammage and Burnham said most of the complaints were about lifestyle issues and that the land-use concerns had been addressed.
After the meeting, one resident contacted a media outlet covering the issue and accused Dominium and its representatives of malicious compliance by adhering strictly to the letter of the land use plan and circumventing its intent.
Each proposed use will have its own site plan and will be reviewed in future hearings. With the 6-0 recommendation for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the PDP will now go before the Surprise City Council on August 16th. (Source)