The Surprise City Council has named its most important capital projects, arriving a total of nearly two dozen from a list of 82 originally presented by City Manager Bog Wingenroth and City finance staff earlier this month.
The original list presented to Council totaled $959M. Wingenroth requested that Council prioritize its top $250M to fund over the next five years. Finance staff plans to give another presentation at the May 17th Council meeting.
Some of the prioritized projects include:
- A $64.2M regional park with a softball complex, trails, standard park amenities, a pool, and the possibility of a lake and pickleball courts;
- A police substation in the northern portion of the city;
- An ambulance and additional ladder truck for the fire department;
- An up to $10M City Center parking garage to help improve visitor access;
- Up to $5M for irrigation improvements at Surprise Stadium;
- $10M in broadband infrastructure improvements for the City Center and Original Town Site, including the Multi-Generational Community Center, and
- $12.9M to improve lighting, landscaping and irrigation along Bell Road. (Source)