By Roland Murphy for AZBEX
The Chandler Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval for a three-building flex industrial project known as Germann & Hamilton Industrial Park. The project site lies on 16.3 acres at the NEC of Germann Road and Hamilton Street.
Renderings provided to Chandler by LGE Design Build/Group indicate the project may also be referred to as the Midway Commerce Center.
The P&Z memorandum accompanying the project cites a total building area of nearly 302KSF, with Building A comprising more than 75KSF, Building B at 108.9KSF and Building C at 118KSF. Provided parking will total 353 spaces.
According to the review and recommendation notes, “The three proposed flex industrial buildings allow for a mix of uses including manufacturing, research and development, and office. Generally ancillary uses such as office and retail showroom are limited to occupy 10% of a building within industrial development unless noted; the proposal requests up to 20% office and/or retail showroom accordingly to comply with available parking.”
The Chandler Airport Commission reviewed the proposal and found no conflict with the project on a 7-0 vote.
Maximum building height will be 45 feet, and the planned building heights range from 42-45 feet. Each building is planned for a 32-foot clear height.
The project will now move to the Chandler City Council for review.