By Arizona Department of Transportation
A virtual public meeting about a study of planned improvements along Loop 303 between Interstate 17 and Lake Pleasant Parkway in the north Valley is scheduled for Wednesday evening, October 20th.
The Arizona Department of Transportation will host the virtual meeting about the ongoing study of improvements that include new freeway lanes and other potential upgrades. That includes direct freeway-to-freeway ramps at the I-17/Loop 303 interchange and a future Loop 303 interchange at 67th Avenue. Information also will be provided about planned construction of new Loop 303 traffic interchanges at 43rd and 51st avenues starting as soon as fall 2022.
The ADOT meeting is scheduled as follows:
What: Loop 303 Study Virtual Public Meeting
When: Wednesday, October 20th from 6 to 7 p.m.
How to Join: Via your computer or smartphone at or via (link is external) (Meeting Number (Access Code) is 879 3592 4208. Password is 303303.
Those interested in joining by phone can call in at 1-253-215-8782. The phone-in Meeting Number (Access Code) is 879 3592 4208#. Password is 303303#.
To be prepared for anticipated growth in traffic, ADOT is conducting the Loop 303 study of improvements between I-17 and Lake Pleasant Parkway in association with the Maricopa Association of Governments, which serves as the Phoenix-area’s freeway planning agency, as well as the Federal Highway Administration and the cities of Phoenix and Peoria.
For more information about the Loop 303 study, including ways to submit comments or questions or subscribe for free email updates, visit the project website at (Source)