By The Office of Representative Greg Stanton
All 12 of Rep. Greg Stanton’s Community Project Funding requests, totaling $11.9M, were included in the minibus appropriations package for Fiscal Year 2024 that passed the House of Representatives.
A list of projects is below.
$1.89M for the City of Tempe’s Kyrene Recharge Well, and $959.8K for the Recharge Wells Pipelines. These funds are built on the $3.45M Rep. Stanton has previously secured to expand and improve the Kyrene Water Reclamation Facility and ground water recharge facilities. Once complete, the project will allow the city to store its reclaimed water for future recovery and improve its drought resiliency.
$1.67M for north Tempe to add an additional 100 units of affordable housing. These funds will be used to provide multi-family affordable housing for families, seniors, veterans and those with disabilities. The City of Tempe has committed to maintaining 49.3% of its housing inventory as affordable. Currently, this supply is 26% and well below community demand.
$959.8K for the City of Mesa to make water main improvements, and $800K for Mesa to install smart meters. These funds would allow the city to purchase equipment to inspect and repair its water transmission mains to maximize the efficiency of the distribution system to reduce water loss and fund the purchase and installation of 12,000 smart meters in several vulnerable communities to promote water conservation and sustainability. As conditions on the Colorado River become more serious, it is important that the City and customers have greater stewardship over their water consumption and intuitive information to make water efficient choices at homes and businesses.
$959.8K for the City of Phoenix’s Water Service Lines. These funds would help the city identify lead and galvanized lines in the water system for replacement to comply with the Lead and Copper Rule Revision.
$1M for the City of Phoenix to help construct the new Fire Station 74 in Ahwatukee to meet the rapidly growing demand for fire and emergency response in the community. Due to the increased demand and population growth, the fire department emergency response times currently exceed the National Fire Protection Association response standards in this area.
$1M for the City of Chandler’s Micro Flex transit service. These funds would be used to expand the city’s microtransit service and provide an on-demand public transportation option for residents. With this assistance, the City will be able to operate in more areas and increase the hours of operation. (Source)