The City of Chandler is considering an extensive array of changes and updates to its zoning code, partially in hopes of improving housing supplies and affordability.
So far, there have been a Planning and Zoning Commission work session and two Council sub-committee meetings to review proposed changes. Staff will take feedback from Council and the Commission to create a final proposal that will be released to the public for review and comment.
There are currently 25 suggested code changes.
One of proposed amendments follows recent updates in other municipalities to all the creation of casitas or “in-law suites” on single-family home lots to increase supply. These add-on living spaces, commonly known as Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs have become increasingly popular options among planning officials. Chandler allows guest quarters on single-family lots currently, but they cannot have cooking facilities. Under the new proposal, ADUs could have kitchens provided the unit also has its own parking space for residents.
The units would also be barred from use as short-term rentals.
Another item under consideration is a confusing array of multifamily and single-family zoning. There are several lots near downtown that have single-family homes but that had previously been zoned multifamily because they were large enough to build more than one unit. Under the current designations, single-family owners who want to replace to their homes have to have the property rezoned or obtain a use permit.
Other items under consideration include allowing shipping containers to be used as building materials, several changes to retail pads and drive-thru options, changes to height requirements, amending parking requirements for some medical and flex industrial properties, and changing some wall requirements. (Source)